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I have always been drawn to Africa and the amazing wildlife and diverse

habitats. I also happen to be a very big dog fan, having 3 rescues

of my own. The African Wild Dog, also know by a few other names

(Painted Wolf  & Painted Dog), is quite reclusive and shy. This wonderfully

unique canine, with their beautiful spotted tri-colored coat, is one of the

Most Endangered Carnivore in the World.  They use to roam all across

Africa in 32 Countries in excess of 450,000.  Today, sadly there remain

fewer than 5000 left in the wild in Africa,with only 32 breeding pairs.

This is due to habitat loss, snares, poaching, poison and illegal hunting.

This intelligent canine is in a steady decline despite the efforts of

non-profit organizations such as the, who trains

and educates the local people to enlist their help. By recruiting the local

people to help protect these rare animals, rather that hunting or poaching

the organization provides income to local villagers and gets the support

of the people. Together they work with rangers to track, collar and

provide veterinary care to the small remaining packs left in the wild.  


Artists, Photographers, writers and scientists are banning together to help

this species and many others, in Africa, and across the world, to call

awareness to this global crisis. It is my goal to bring awareness through

my artwork, in the efforts to highlight that we are losing ecosystems

daily with grave impacts on people around the world. We are seeing the

acceleration of extinction of species at an unprecedent rate. The numbers are alarming, thought to be between 1000-10,000 higher

than the normal extinction rate*, in the last 114 years. It has been estimated that we could potentially lose up to 1/3 of

all the animals by the year 2050. 


I have pledged to give 30% of my profits from the sale of these images from the "Vanishing Wildlife Collection" to a variety of

non-profits including the By purchasing my artwork on-line, either an original painting or a

Limited Edition Giclee print, you will be providing financial support to this on-going mission, in the efforts we will not watch

another species pass unnoticed from this earth.


Whitney Kurlan

Purchase Prints & Support Endangered Species

Purchase Prints & Support Endangered Species

© 2020 website design by Whitney Kurlan - All Rights Reserved. Copyright Whitney Kurlan

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