Expressive Techniques in Pastel
Creative and Bold Techniques in Pastel
Service Description
For the Student who has been working in pastel. This 4 week course is designed to introduce new techniques in underpaintings, mark making and design approach to create more vivid lush and dynamic finished paintings. We will discuss types of pastels, how to layer effectively and utilize several different underpainting techniques to achieve different effects. How to make specific marks and "brush" work with your pastels. There will be several exercises given each session to help students practice techniques. Class is limited to a max of 6 student due to health restrictions. This is a 4 week course meeting once a week. You may choose either a morning or afternoon session. Schedules are flexible Please contact me for a specific time and day that will work for you. Materials list will be emailed to you. Students are required to bring their own pastels and boards.
Contact Details